Why the Focus on Books?
80% of kids who own books read above grade level.

500 books in the home = 2.4 extra years of education

90 Minutes of Daily Reading = 88% Increase in Test Scores

What We Do
Launch Pad collects children’s books from a variety of sources such as but are definitely not limited to, families that have outgrown them, teachers that are retiring, libraries that are overstocked and authors that want to make a contribution.
Launch Pad currently has partnerships with First Book and Scholastic to buy brand new books at an extremely low cost. It is important to us that kids get at least one new book at our giveaways so that they can experience the excitement and the satisfaction of owning their own book. These partnerships allow us to get popular books that kids want for a very low cost.
Giveaway Events
The primary way that Launch Pad delivers books to the families and children that need them is through book giveaway events. We work with other non-profits in the Santa Cruz County area to create events where the families they service can come with their children to a “book fair” and pick out books for no cost.
Launch Pad can also give away books by assembling book packs for specific families and children. Those book packs can be delivered to any program in the county and can then be dispersed to the right people.
When supplies allow, Launch Pad partners with schools to provide reading material for their kids. If a library needs a few extra books, a classroom needs a library or a class is looking to read a specific book together, Launch Pad works with local schools to try to provide the necessary books.
Often families recognize the importance of reading, but lack specific knowledge on how to most effectively use reading time and materials. Launch Pad provides tips, ideas and recommendations for families on the best ways to encourage and support reading!
Give Books
Learn how you can help Launch Pad! We are an all volunteer organization and we are always looking for more dedicated members of the community to help. Become a volunteer, donate books and money, or help us get the word out!
Get Books
Find out how to get free children's books from Launch Pad. We host book giveaway events throughout the year and we partner with local nonprofit organizations to get free books for their communities. Dates and times for events and giveaways are listed on this website.
Total Books Launch Pad Has Given Away in 2018
Help us reach our goal to give away 5,000 books this year!
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